I offer you a few courses so you could start your own transformational spiritual journey and uncover your own unique gifts, becoming the best version of you!
I welcome you, beautiful Soul! I'm happy to have you here! The past few years have been very transformational in my life and I'm so happy I witness and live this amazing, magical, transformational journey that transformed my life completely. It made me realize that life is more magical than I could ever imagine and I'm a part of this magic and can bring miracles into my life and into lives of others, shining my light and inspiring others to open their unique skills and being their authentic selves. It's my purpose to help everyone who resonates with this on their journey to expand, remove obstacles, face their fears and discover their soul's gifts and letting their unique light shine brightly! So here I'm offering you a very unique transformational spiritual journey with me through a bunch of mini-courses that are aimed to transform ones life and get closed to your dream life. Through simple steps that you make daily, you invest your time into yourself, into your future, your dreams and becoming every day a better version of you. Are you ready to join me? You can try one of those mini-courses or all of them and transform your life into a bright magical life, full of joy, happiness and miracles! Welcome and let's begin!
This is a very inspiring poetry book that consists of 414 short poems for every day. They are aimed to inspire you and make you feel positive going to your day. You can trust your inner guidance, open up on a random page every day and read today's message for you. Each message has a deep spiritual meaning that is aimed to help you stay positive, believe in yourself, learn along the way, heal and become a better person every day. There are 121 pages so far and I might be updating it as I am constantly write from my heart. Enjoy!
This poetry book is about soul's journey. All I write, I write from my soul and this is how my soul explored the world and self along the way. There are a lot of deep and meaningful poems that make you pause and question your life, your views and since I'm a muse, they are aimed to inspire everyone to see the beauty in the self and in the world around us. My poems also can help you to open your heart wider and fall in love with life, people and yourself. The book has 67 pages so far and I am adding more along the way. Enjoy!
A Few of My Poems
When I am happy or sad.
I'm blessed
When I feel lost or upset.
I'm blessed
In times of tension, in pain,
I'm blessed
Even if others think I'm insane.
I'm blessed, I will always be blessed.
Place of divinity, where all thoughts get lost.
Place that is blessed by divine love,
Place that inspires, makes me fall in love.
This is the place I find peace,
I feel inspired, I feel bliss.
This is the place within my heart:
That is my fortress, my divine part.
When I'm scared, stressed or upset,
That is the place my soul gets rest.
This is the place I take with me
I just surrender, I set myself free.
No matter the storms, negativity, noise
That is around, I hear the voice
Voice of my soul that sings in love
Makes me surrender, emit light and love.
This is the place that helps to connect
To the divinity within, makes to reflect.
Reflect on the wisdom that stores within
Align with my soul, living herein.
There is no emptiness, no doors.
There is just you and your heart beat
And all you want to feel is this:
You close your eyes and walk away:
from people, things, from day - today.
You dream, don't think, don't move,
Follow your heart, don't try to prove...
Don't try to be who you are not,
Don't think you can't have all you want.
You can achieve your dream, believe!
And let your fears leave.
Sometimes you're scared, closed, upset.
It's a fight inside. Did you get?
It's not that bad if you're alone.
It's worse to stay with someone wrong.
You learn yourself and life... and fight
For what you feel is right.
You will be the winner if you want,
Don't miss the chance to thank God.
If you will open just your heart
And will allow to feel it from inside,
Don't be that scared to receive
What you deserve to get and feel.
Is it the best version of me?
Do I see issues, honest and bold?
Can I admit in what wasn't told?
Do I have masks, is it my clothes?
Can I see the truth with my eyes closed?
Do I make choices I chose with my heart?
Or am I just to follow the flow from the start?
How can I see in the darkness, in-crowd?
Do not get lost, don't fall from the cloud?
How can I know which color is mine,
When all the options so nicely shine?
How can I know what road is right?
There are so many turns, winding trails in my sight.
How can I know what to like and believe
When I'm scared - I'm just trying to leave...
What am I waiting for, standing right here?
Is that a panic or am I in a fear?
Will I keep watching injustice around?
Why can't I make any meaningful sound?
I'm an observer watching myself,
Asking and searching for my true self.
This is the way I have chosen in life,
This is my way to live and strive.
I'm just learning to define the truth,
Seeing the issues, trying to choose
Voice of my heart among millions I hear,
Make it sound loud and clear.
Turn off the world, all the voices and pain,
Let me calm down my brain.
Let me find my little guy,
Let me stop my inner cry.
Let me see the hidden trail,
Leading to happiness out of jail.
Let me free my inner self,
Strengthen my faith and believe in myself.
Fly to the moon, above the sky.
Fly at night when everyone sleeps,
Fly from the thought that sticks.
Fly when it's dark and cold.
Fly when you have no one to hold.
Fly if you want to see
What is below the sea.
Fly if you don't want to wake up,
Fly if you're ready to give up.
Fly to discover yourself,
Fly just to see an elf.
Fly with me today, fly.
Fly without asking why.
Fly if you have nothing to loose
Fly to discover your own truth.
Smile to strangers in face.
Smile because it's soul's touching
To show heart's beauty and grace.
Smile like today is your last day,
Smile like nothing is left.
Smile when you wanna say
But everything seems to be messed.
Smile to inspire your essence,
Smile to feel inner drive.
Smile if it doesn't make any sense
And you fight with life to survive.
Smile to recall inner passion,
Smile like a kid, from the heart.
Smile to start healing action
To awake your soul and make it light up.